Takayuki Koike
I am an associate professor of Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University. Email : tkoike [at] Research field : Complex geometry, The theory of functions of several complex variables. Research interests : (Singular) Hermitian metrics on a line bundle on a complex manifold, The theory of functions of several complex variables on a neighborhood of a complex submanifold. ORCID : 0000-0002-7860-1899 MR ID : 1090629 |
I am interested in singular Hermitian metrics of a (nef) line bundle L over a complex manifold,
especially in minimal singular metrics of L, metrics of L with the mildest singularities among singular Hermitian metrics of L whose local weights are plurisubharmonic.
I am also interested in complex analysis on neighborhoods of compact analytic subvarieties, especially in Ueda theory.
小池 貴之 (こいけ たかゆき)
大阪公立大学 大学院理学研究科 数学教室の准教授です. Email : tkoike [at] 研究分野 : 複素幾何, 多変数函数論. 興味 : 主に複素代数多様体の上の直線束の (特異) エルミート計量, 複素部分多様体近傍の多変数函数論. ORCID : 0000-0002-7860-1899 MR ID : 1090629 |
複素 (代数) 多様体上の(ネフ)直線束のエルミート計量に興味があります.
特に直線束Lの極小特異エルミート計量, つまりLに入る半正曲率を持つ特異エルミート計量の内, 最も特異性が小さいものに興味があります.
また, 位相的に自明な正則直線束の平坦性に関連して, 上田理論等の, コンパクト部分多様体近傍の複素解析の理論にも興味があります.
講義関連 (For students)
講義関連のページはこちらから.Papers & Preprints
Abstracts, reports, and so on
- Potential Theoretical Aspects of Complex Analytic Geometry, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, February 12-14, 2016 (with G. Hosono and R. Nomura).
- Positivity Concepts on Holomorphic Line Bundles and Theories on Canonical Kähler Metrics, Osaka City University, Osaka, January 28-31, 2018.
- Complex geometry and complex dynamics in higher dimension, Osaka City University, Osaka, June 27, 2018 (as a local organizer, with Y. Okuyama).
- Several Complex Variables Winter Seminar, Osaka City University, Osaka, December 21-23, 2018 (as a local organizer, with S. Hamano).
- Workshop on Complex Analytic and Algebraic Methods in Dynamics, Osaka City University, Osaka, January 15-18, 2019 (with Y. Nakamura).
- Young mathematicians workshop on algebraic, geometric, and analytic aspects of K theory and vector bundles, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, August 20-23, 2019 (with T. Matsushita).
- "Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2019", Osaka City University, Osaka, September 7-9, 2019 (with M. Adachi and A. Yamamori).
- Geometric Complex Analysis on Foliations and Dynamics, RIMS, Kyoto, November 25-27, 2019 (with T. Ohsawa).
- Kodaira's Theory on Complex Manifolds and its Development, Osaka City University, Osaka, December 8-9, 2019 (with T. Ohsawa).
- 複素代数多様体上の直線束と多重劣調和関数, Tohoku University, Miyagi, February 18-21, 2019 (with M. Iwai).
- 多変数関数論若手オンライン勉強会, online, November 25 - December 16, 2020 (with G. Hosono).
- Grauert theory and recent complex geometry, online, February 6-9, 2021 (with T. Ohsawa).
- 複素幾何学の諸問題 II, online, September 6-9, 2021 (as a local organizer, with S. Takayama and R. Nomura).
- Subvarieties and foliations of complex projective varieties, online, February 7-10, 2022 (with T. Ohsawa and M. Iwai).
- Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2022, online, August 22-24, 2022 (Japanese venue, with M. Adachi and A. Yamamori).
- 1day workshop on dynamical systems and complex geometry, Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka, January 25, 2023 (with S. Ogawa).
- Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2023, Pusan National University, 9-11 August, 2023 (with M. Adachi, Y-W. L. Cho, Y-J. Choi, F. Deng, K-H Lee, S. Rao, A. Yamamori, Q. Yan, L. Zhang).
- Problems on foliations and dynamics in complex geometry, RIMS, 20-22 November, 2023 (Proposed by T. Ohsawa, organized with M. Adachi, S. Hamano, and M. Iwai), RIMS Kôkyûroku No.2294.
- Workshop on Dynamics in Arithmetic and Complex Geometry and its applications, Osaka Metropolitan University, 16-19 January, 2024 (with Y. Hashimoto, R. Irokawa, Y. Matsuzawa, and H. Miyazaki).
- Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2024, Osaka Metropolitan University, 5-8 August, 2024 (with T. Inayama, Y. Kusakabe, M. Adachi, A. Yamamori, Y-W. L. Cho, Y-J. Choi, Z. Wang, Q. Yan, L. Zhang, and L. Zhang).
- Workshop on Algebraic Geometry over complex number field or in positive characteristic, Osaka Metropolitan University, 17-20 September 2024 (with S. Ejiri, M. Iwai, S. Matsumura, Y. Matsuzawa, and K. Sato).
- SCV, CR geometry and Dynamics, RIMS, 25-29 November, 2024 (with M. Adachi and L. Stolovitch).
- Workshop on pseudoconvexity of general order, Osaka Metropolitan University, 2-3 December 2024 (with M. Adachi).
- Non-archimedean and tropical geometry from complex and algebraic geometry and dynamics, Osaka Metropolitan University, 20-24 January 2025 (with T.Uehara, Y. Okuyama, Y. Hashimoto, and Y. Matsuzawa).
- 複素解析幾何学のポテンシャル論的諸相, 東京大学, 2016/2/12-14 (細野元気氏, 野村亮介氏と共同で).
- Positivity Concepts on Holomorphic Line Bundles and Theories on Canonical Kähler Metrics, 大阪市立大学, 2018/1/28-31.
- Complex geometry and complex dynamics in higher dimension, 大阪市立大学, 2018/6/27 (local organizerとして, 奥山裕介氏主催).
- 2018年度 多変数関数論冬セミナー, 大阪市立大学, 2018/12/21-23 (世話人として, 濱野佐知子氏と共同で).
- Workshop on Complex Analytic and Algebraic Methods in Dynamics, 大阪市立大学, 2019/1/15-18 (中村勇哉氏と共同で).
- Young mathematicians workshop on algebraic, geometric, and analytic aspects of K theory and vector bundles, 琉球大学, 2019/8/20-23 (松下尚弘氏と共同で).
- Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2019, 大阪市立大学, 2019/9/7-9 (足立真訓氏, 山盛厚伺氏と共同で).
- 葉層の複素解析幾何と力学系, RIMS, 2019/11/25-27 (大沢健夫氏と共同で).
- 複素多様体の小平理論とその進展, 大阪市立大学, 2019/12/8-9 (大沢健夫氏と共同で).
- 複素代数多様体上の直線束と多重劣調和関数, 東北大学, 2020/2/18-21 (岩井雅崇氏と共同で).
- 多変数関数論若手オンライン勉強会, online, 2020/11/25-12/16 (細野元気氏と共同で).
- Grauert理論と最近の複素幾何, online, 2021/2/6-9 (大沢健夫氏と共同で).
- 複素幾何学の諸問題 II, online, 2021/9/6-9 (local organizerとして, 高山茂晴氏主催, 野村亮介氏と共同で).
- 射影的複素多様体の部分多様体と葉層, online, 2022/2/7-10 (大沢健夫氏, 岩井雅崇氏と共同で).
- Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2022, online, 2022/8/22-24 (日本サテライト会場, 足立真訓氏, 山盛厚伺氏と共同で).
- 1day workshop on dynamical systems and complex geometry, 大阪公立大学, 2023/1/25 (小川智史氏と共同で).
- Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2023, Pusan National University, 2023/8/9-11 (足立真訓氏, 山盛厚伺氏, Ye-Won Luke Cho氏, Young-Jun Choi氏, Fusheng Deng氏, Kang-Hyurk Lee氏, Sheng Rao氏, Qiming Yan氏, Liyou Zhang氏と共同で).
- 複素幾何における葉層と力学系の諸問題, RIMS, 2023/11/20-22 (大沢健夫氏提案, 足立真訓氏, 濱野佐知子氏, 岩井雅崇氏と共同で開催), RIMS講究録No.2294.
- Workshop on Dynamics in Arithmetic and Complex Geometry and its applications, 大阪公立大学, 2024/1/16-19 (橋本義規氏, 色川怜未氏, 松澤陽介氏, 宮﨑弘安氏と共同で).
- Young Mathematicians Workshop on Several Complex Variables 2024, 大阪公立大学, 2024/8/5-8 (稲山貴大氏, 日下部佑太氏, 足立真訓氏, 山盛厚伺氏, Ye-Won Luke Cho氏, Young-Jun Choi氏, Zhiwei Wang氏, Qiming Yan氏, Liyou Zhang氏, Liyou Zhang氏と共同で).
- Workshop on Algebraic Geometry over complex number field or in positive characteristic, 大阪公立大学, 2024/9/17-20 (江尻祥氏, 岩井雅崇氏, 松村慎一氏, 松澤陽介氏, 佐藤謙太氏と共同で).
- SCV, CR geometry and Dynamics, RIMS, 2024/11/25-29 (足立真訓氏, Laurent Stolovitch氏と共同で).
- Workshop on pseudoconvexity of general order, 大阪公立大学, 2024/12/2-3 (足立真訓氏と共同で).
- Non-archimedean and tropical geometry from complex and algebraic geometry and dynamics, 大阪公立大学, 2025/1/20-24 (上原崇人氏, 奥山裕介氏, 橋本義規氏, 松澤陽介氏と共同で).
Curriculum Vitae
- Associate professor of Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers(LEADER).
- Born on July 5, 1988 in Tokyo and grew up in Tokyo.
Mar. 2011 | B.S. in Mathematics, the University of Tokyo. |
Mar. 2013 | M.S. in Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo. |
Mar. 2015 | Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo. |
Dissertation: Studies on singular Hermitian metrics with minimal singularities on numerically effective line bundles Advised by Professor Shigeharu Takayama. |
Employment & Fellowships
Nov. 2012--Mar. 2015 | FMSP course student, Leading Graduate Course for Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences and Physics. |
Apr. 2013--Mar. 2015 | JSPS Research Fellow (DC1, 25-2869). |
Apr. 2015--Mar. 2016 | JSPS Research Fellow (PD, 25-2869). |
Apr. 2016--Dec. 2017 | JSPS Research Fellow (PD, 28-4196). |
Jan. 2018--Mar. 2020 | Lecturer of Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers(LEADER, No. J171000201). |
Oct. 2018--Mar. 2020 | JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up (H18H05834, K19K21024). |
Apr. 2020--Mar. 2022 | Associate professor of Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers(LEADER, No. J171000201). |
Apr. 2020--Mar. 2023 | JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (20K14313). |
Apr. 2022-- | The affiliation changed to Osaka Metropolitan University in accordance with the integration of Osaka City University and Osaka Prefecture University. |
Jan. 2023-- | JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (22KK0232). |
Apr. 2023-- | JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (23K03119). |
Apr. 2024-- | JSPS MEAE-MESR Bilateral Program (SAKURA Program). |
Professional Societies
- The Mathematical Society of Japan (Member #11163).
- Mar. 2015 Dean's Award, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
- Sep. 2018 MSJ Takebe Katahiro Prize for Encouragement of Young Researchers, The Mathematical Society of Japan.
- Jul. 2023 the Osaka Metropolitan University Young Researcher Encouragement Prize, Osaka Metropolitan University.
- 大阪市立大学 大学院理学研究科 数学教室の准教授・卓越研究員.
- 昭和63年7月5日生まれ.
平成19年3月 | 麻布高等学校卒業. |
平成23年3月 | 東京大学理学部数学科卒業. |
平成25年3月 | 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科数理科学専攻修士課程修了. |
平成27年3月 | 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科数理科学専攻博士課程修了. |
博士 (数理科学), 2015年3月24日授与 博士論文題目:Studies on singular Hermitian metrics with minimal singularities on numerically effective line bundles (数値的半正な正則直線束の極小特異エルミート計量に関する研究) 指導教員:高山 茂晴教授 |
平成24年11月--平成27年3月 | FMSPコース生, Leading Graduate Course for Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences and Physics. |
平成25年4月--平成27年3月 | 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1, 25-2869). |
平成27年4月--平成28年3月 | 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD, 25-2869). |
平成28年4月--平成29年12月 | 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD, 28-4196). |
平成30年1月--令和2年3月 | 大阪市立大学 大学院理学研究科 数学教室の講師・卓越研究員 (No. J171000201). |
平成30年10月--令和2年3月 | 日本学術振興会研究活動スタート支援 (H18H05834, K19K21024). |
令和2年4月--令和4年3月 | 大阪市立大学 大学院理学研究科 数学教室の准教授・卓越研究員 (No. J171000201). |
令和2年4月--令和5年3月 | 日本学術振興会若手研究 (20K14313). |
令和4年4月-- | 大阪市立大学と大阪府立大学との統合に伴い所属が大阪公立大学へと変更. |
令和5年1月-- | 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(A)) (22KK0232). |
令和5年4月-- | 日本学術振興会基盤研究(C) (23K03119). |
令和6年4月-- | 日本学術振興会・MEAE-MESR フランスとの共同研究 (SAKURAプログラム). |
- 日本数学会 (会員番号 11163).
- 2015年3月 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科 研究科長賞.
- 2018年9月 日本数学会賞建部賢弘奨励賞.
- 2023年7月 大阪公立大学若手研究者奨励賞 (基礎科学部門).
Researcher database
"Details of a Researcher" in the database of Osaka City University
Useful links
DetexifyMR Lookup
Hyper Collocation
Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University
Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University
Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute
Seminars and Conferences
Upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry (by Ravi Vakil)Complex Analysis Seminar @ Osaka Metropolitan University
Differential Geometry Seminar @ Osaka Metropolitan University
Algebraic Geometry Seminar @ Kyoto University
Kyoto Dynamical Systems Seminar @ Kyoto University
Seminar on Geometric Complex Analysis @ University of Tokyo
Algebraic geometry seminar @ University of Tokyo
Researcher database
大阪市立大 研究者総覧
Useful links
DetexifyMR Lookup
Hyper Collocation
大阪市立大学大学院理学研究科/理学部 数学科
Seminars and Conferences
Upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry (by Ravi Vakil)大阪公立大・複素解析セミナー
Updated on
Takayuki KOIKE (tkoike [at], Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University, 3-3-138, Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku Osaka, 558-8585 Japan.